Monday, 10 February 2014

January Report

CQJP 2014 January report Twenty four hours remain to complete the first block of the 2014 Crazy Quilting Journal Project, and I am sure I will not meet my deadline! (Not an auspicious start to a new project, I’m afraid) Please note that this "report" was actually blogged on another of my blogs on January 30th but I am endeavouring to keep all my CQJP2014 together....WHEN I can master adding badges to my side bars, all will be "cool" I was aware that I would be facing a steep (learning) curve as I attempt to improve my hand work proficiency after so long away from CQ, but I admit that I haven’t been as dedicated to the task as I should be.DSC02659 It has been so long since I have done any silk ribbon embroidery, and I find that I have needed to to dye some ribbons in order to work on the block, and of course that eroded my stitching time as I rediscovered my dyes Just before Christmas I invested in a set of SharonB’s plastic CQ templates! Such fun! Now I can have “balanced” shapes to stitch for my seam treatments. There are four pieces in the set, and the combinations are limited only by the stitcher’s imagination! These nifty aids will surely feature in all my blocks……and, hopefully I will get myself organised to include a photograph of the stencils in a later blogging. As you can see from the photograph, there is a heck of a lot more work necessary on my January block….but IT WILL BE DONE! It’s such fun returning to SRE again! Perhaps I need re-think my strategy for the project and work at completing SIX instead of twelve blocks. Silly me…I have also committed to a Round Robin with the SouthernCrossCrazies, as well as participating in Round 19 SWAP with PostMark’dArt and I’m currently working on a “WHITE on WHITE” theme: Some cards are being worked in a CQ format and in others I have used Needle felted backgrounds. More about that,later! Posted by Maureen at 12:09 PM No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Links to this post

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